Gain Peace of Mind with Trusteer Rapport
Every time you use your computer, whether it’s for browsing, social activities, email, or Online Banking, you run the risk of becoming the victim of some type of cyber-crime. We understand and share your concerns. That’s why we are offering a free download of Trusteer Rapport to our Online Banking customers only – a security software application designed to help safeguard your account by attempting to protect your web browser from online threats. Trusteer Rapport is highly recommended as an additional layer of security to any anti-virus or security software you may already use.
- Provided free of charge
- Downloads in minutes
- Future updates are free and automatic
Enhance Your Online Security...
Download Trusteer Rapport now.
Help to protect your personal information and bank account against identity theft and fraud.
Why do I need Trusteer if I already have anti-virus software?
Trusteer Rapport works alongside your anti-virus software. It’s designed to add another level of security to your online activities by attempting to block malicious software (malware) that your anti-virus software might miss.
When you browse to a website in Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome or Safari, the Rapport icon appears next to the browser’s address bar.
Here’s what you’ll see when you visit a site protected by Trusteer Rapport security software:
Trusteer, Trusteer Rapport, Rapport and the Trusteer logo are trademarks of Trusteer or its subsidiaries or affiliates in the United States and other countries. Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. Copyright@2013,2014 Trusteer, Inc.