Fraud Alert

Beware of ongoing scam: Fraudsters posing as Bristol County Savings Bank’s fraud department may contact you via text or phone call about a potentially fraudulent charge on your account. The text or call may look like it is coming from our legitimate customer service line (508-828-5420) but caller ID’s can be easily faked. The fraudster may ask you to verify your online banking credentials, account number, debit card number, security code (CVV) or PIN. This is a scam - do not share any of your account information.


If we detect suspicious activity, we may reach out to you and ask you to validate transaction information such as the merchant and transaction amount, but we will never ask you to send account information and/or personal information through calls, texts or emails that we initiate. You should never reply to text messages or emails that ask you to send account information. Please note, however, that if you contact Customer Service, we may ask you for personal information through calls, text or email to verify that we are communicating with the account owner.

To learn more about ways we protect you and your information, please click here to visit our security page.